Rosenthal 4  


Period: 1891 -
Region: Germany

於西元1891年Philipp Rosenthal (菲利普 · 羅森塔爾) 於Asch, Bohemia 建立一家瓷器工廠,取名為Philipp Rosenthal & CO。

於1897到1936年間,創辦人飛利浦陸續收購於Selb (塞爾布), Marktredwitz, Kronach (克羅納赫), Waldenburg (登堡), Waldershof 以及Sophienthal 的部分工廠。

"Empire" (帝王系列), 是此品牌第一個知名的完整系列。 (部分作品實品照, 請見我的Rosenthal私藏 )

於1916年, Philipp Rosenthal 並以他的愛妻Maria為名,創造了Rosenthal Maria系列. 此系列直至今日,更成為了此品牌最成功的代表作! (部分作品實品照, 請見我的Rosenthal私藏 )


令人慶幸的是,飛利浦的兒子為父親重新建立Rosenthal品牌。並網羅當代最優秀的藝術家,如Hans Theo Baumann, Raymond Loewy and Raymond Peynet 貢獻設計才華。也因此讓品牌Rosenthal得以被延續,並成為今日瓷器收藏加爭相收集的品牌。



In 1891 Philipp Rosenthal establishes a porcelain factory in Asch, Bohemia
The Porzellanfabrik Philipp Rosenthal & Co acquired factories in Selb, Marktredwitz, Kronach, Waldenburg, Waldershof and Sophienthal from 1897 to 1936.
The "Empire" shape is one of the first complete service-sets. In 1916 its most successful shape "Maria", named after his wife is introduced. Popular patterns were "Maria White" and "Moss Rose".

After World War II the factories were modernised and lost markets. Factories were re-established by Rosenthal's son, Phillip. Some of the best artists of those days were attracted to the company like Hans Theo Baumann, Raymond Loewy and Raymond Peynet.



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